Huwebes, Oktubre 18, 2012

Healthy Food to a Healthy Body.

        We are what we eat. If we eat healthy food, we will be healthy.

healthy diet tips


We need to eat healthy foods such as vegetables and fruits, this helps us to cleanse our digestive system and it has lots of vitamins and mineral that our body need.

healthy diet tips

Lots of protein, this helps to build muscle to our body, muscle is important without muscle our body to move and do such this, muscle play an important role to lose weight; muscle helps our body to burn calories.

healthy diet Tips

Less carbohydrate, we get energy on this kind of food like rice, corn, etc. This kind of food if we take more than what we need, we will have an excess energy which if not use will turn into fats. So if can, take only what our body can burn or what the body needs.

healthy diet tips

Take only few on Sweets, oils, junk foods, and unneeded food. This may satisfy our wants but not our needs.

We are what we eat.

Fast food for fast life and instant food for instant life. 

3 komento:

  1. About NES Health we each have a Human Body Field that is a structured web of information and energy that underlies and informs our physical body and influences the state of our health and wellbeing. The Human Being exists within a hierarchical structure with the Human Body Field as Master Control System.

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